Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Benefits of Organic Vitamins and Supplements

There has long been a discussion about the benefits of choosing organic items over non-organic. Foods, fruits and vegetables have been the topic of debate and discussion, each side arguing that they are best. Organically grown fruit and vegetables contain no residue from chemical fertilizers and foreign substances, while regular fruit and vegetables, grown non-organically have a tendency to contain some residue.

Many people, who are starting to favour a more pure idea of eating eco-friendly food, look for organically grown produce. The same rules apply to any edible consumables. Herbal supplements, vitamins, minerals and homeopathic medicines should all be made from natural products, which do not contain any ‘alien’ substances.

The vitamins we see on most supermarket and grocery shelves may have been synthetically created, in much the same way that chemical prescription drugs are created. They have additives and preservatives which do some harm to the body, taken over a long period of time. The coating on the tablets or capsules is also non-organic and therefore can also contain residue contaminants. While these are not deemed unsafe for public consumption, many people do feel dubious enough to steer away from store brand and non-organic supplements.

The general difference between non-organic and organic vitamins and supplements is that organic items have been created from ingredients grown naturally and the tablets or capsules have been produced in as natural a way as possible and without additives. If you decide you need certain supplements or vitamins and minerals, buying organic will assure you that what you are taking is purely natural. The benefits on the body are also noticeable. You might only feel it on a psychological basis, but it’s kind of like eating a salad and feeling as though you have cleansed your body. The same applies to taking organic produce compared to non-organic and the feeling is similar.

There is a difference between ‘natural’, ‘all natural’ and ‘organic’, when it comes to buying supplements. Many will claim to have natural properties and ingredients but still contain some contaminants. Others will claim to be organic, but not actually have been fully produced in an organic way from inception to completion and some will have all organic elements. It is advisable to always check the labels on the bottle of any products that claim to be organic. Their ingredient list should verify that the contents are fully organic, including the coating. If you only want to use an organic product, check this first.

Organic produce is cleaner, greener and far healthier for the body than synthetic produce. With synthetics, despite government guidelines, it is not always easy to know exactly what has gone into the making of the item you are buying.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Are Bodybuilding Supplements Good for Fitness and Health?

Bodybuilding has become one of the most popular forms of fitness in the UK over the last few decades. Many men spend countless hours in the gym, perfecting their abdominals, laterals and pectorals. The subject has also been quite contentious when it comes to the use of some substances. As we know, some substances that can enhance performance are banned from the sporting arena, which technically means that a person who uses them shouldn’t be competing. On the flip side, if you are not a professional sportsperson you do not have to adhere to the same rules. However,this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t seriously consider the health and safety consequences of bodybuilding supplements before putting them in your body.

Bodybuilding supplements can consist of certain types of steroids that can be bad for your general health and wellbeing. Taking them for a short amount of time is far less dangerous than taking them over lengthy periods of time, but always do your research before you indulge. Talk to your doctor about your personal health, blood pressure level and other issues that might be sparked or aggravated by taking a substance that your body isn’t used to.

Many supplements can be an excellent assistant in the health and fitness of the body. Some can enhance your energy, others can assist in giving the body extra protein to help with muscle building. You should always check the ingredients of any supplements you intend to take, though. Make sure the ingredients are natural and can easily be absorbed safely into the body without causing harmful side effects. Always take supplements as part of a natural and healthy eating and exercise program, rather than just to obtain a quick fix for a quick workout in the gym.

The ingredients are probably the most important factor in choosing which supplement to take. Calcium, omega 3, vitamin D and other supplements that the body needs are good when it comes to over-all physical health, but some ingredients should only be used on a sporadic or rare basis. Always check the label to be sure you are not in danger of overdosing on certain substances. Although they may be perfectly natural and healthy, it is possible to get too much of a good thing, which can make you feel ill.

You should also only consider supplements that are right for you and your body. Your stature might be smaller than someone else’s or bigger. You may be thin framed or large framed. There are many things to consider in terms of safety to your own wellbeing that could affect you adversely if you take something that is not meant for you. Check some of the most popular websites that contain the most accurate fitness and health information before you plunge into taking supplements.